Napa Chicken Salad from leftover Rotisserie Chicken

My wife got me started on Napa chicken salad with fruit instead of the traditional mayo, onion and celery. You can use whatever you have on hand like almonds, grapes, celery, apples, and even pecans. I like to make mine with grapes for sweetness, celery for crunch, and dill to tie it all together. Here is what you need.Napa Chicken Salad

  • Leftover Rotisserie Chicken
  • 2 Tablespoons of Mayo
  • 1 Tablespoon of Plain Yogurt
  • 15 – 20 Large Grapes Chopped
  • 1 Celery Stick Chopped
  • 1 – 2 Teaspoons of Dill Seasoning or freshly chopped if you have it

 Using your hands or a fork and knife, get every last piece of meat off the chicken and into a bowl.

Napa Chicken SaladNext mix in chopped grapes, celery and the dill seasoning. I like the green grapes but you can also use black or red. Add the mayo and yogurt and then salt and pepper to your preference. I like mayo and typically add 2 tablespoons depending on how much chicken I have.Napa Chicken SaladGive it a good mix, I mean really mix it well to break down the larger pieces of chicken. That’s it! This Napa Chicken Salad goes great on a sandwich with provolone cheese or with crackers. Thanks for reading. Enjoy!

Napa Chicken Salad

Napa Chicken Salad
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Prep Time
20 min
Total Time
20 min
Prep Time
20 min
Total Time
20 min
  1. Leftover Rotisserie Chicken
  2. 2 Tablespoons Mayo
  3. 1 Tablespoon Plain Yogurt
  4. 1 Celery Stick Chopped
  5. 15 - 20 Large Grapes Chopped
  6. 1 Teaspoon Dill Seasoning or Freshly Chopped
  1. Using your hands or fork and knife, remove all chicken and put into bowl
  2. Mix in all other ingredients and salt and pepper to taste
  1. These amounts were based on an almost half eaten leftover chicken. If you use a full chicken, then you might need to double the ingredients. Feel free to add the nuts and fruit that you like.
Dad the Mom
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  1. Evelyn Magdaleno 10 years ago

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